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Consulting Services

$300/hour - Phone or Video consultation for small personal to large commerical mushrooms cultivation.


Joel Rayes has been growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms commercially since 2011.

Common Topics:

  • Workflow efficiency

  • USDA Organic and MGAP Certification

  • Standard Operating Procedure development

  • Floor plan/layout review

  • Electrical requirements

  • HVAC requirements and design

  • Equipment sizing and design

  • Humidification system sizing and design

  • Equipment automation

  • Autoclave and boiler installation and operation

Please email any floor plans, budgets, photos, or walkthrough videos 24 hours prior to the consultation.

Calls will be conducted at 1 PM Wednesdays, Mountain Time. Click the contact button below to send an email and we will get in touch!

Joel's Experience

In 2011, Joel Rayes began his efforts in innovations and solutions for sustainable cultivation of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. Between 2011 and 2016 Joel grew his business while building his business network starting with local restaurants and distributors, and eventually with larger companies such as Safeway, Whole Foods and Vitamin Cottage. During this time, he also tested and improved technologies, building design and growing methods to optimize return on investment.


In 2016, Joel was approached by a local aquaponics startup company who was interested in creating a new facility utilizing his innovations in integrating mushrooms with plant cultivation, and they partnered to merge the market share which Joel had grown between 2011 and 2016. The merged company became profitable within a year.

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